Hello, we are madebyuh!

Founded in 2010, madebyuh! follows an approach from the physical world to the digital world.

About us

We are a team passionate about projects and people since 2010. Our focus is the satisfaction and results of our clients.

We feel we offer a complete solution in both online and offline. Whether it's flyers, business cards or an e-commerce website, we have the specialists for all your challenges.

We are inspired, dedicated, original and always looking for new challenges and opportunities to create, communicate and engage clients with enthusiasm. Shall we talk?

Sobre nós
Business start-up
Business cards produced
1 M

What drives us

Balao Site 1
Balao Site 4
Balao Site 2
Quero um outdoor tão grande, que se consiga ler da Lua

Our team

Júlio Santos

Júlio Santos


Sandra Santos

Marketing Strategy & Digital Consulting

Sandra Santos
Sofia Gerardo

Sofia Gerardo


Carolina Barata

Graphic Designer

Carolina Barata
Ricardo Costa

Ricardo Costa

Designer Digital (UI/UX) & Web Designer

Susana Veiga

Social Media

Susana Veiga
Ricardo Castro

Ricardo Castro

Web Developer & Google Specialist

Want to find out how we can work together?

Get in touch with us.

Sandra Santos

Sandra Santos


Julio Santos

Júlio Santos
